5 Myths About Boudoir Photoshoots

1- I have to be naked

Your outfits at your shoot can be whatever you want them to be!! You can wear lingerie, a cozy t-shirt, a sweater and cute bottoms… a body chain… whatever makes you feel sexy and comfortable! However… if you want to do a few shots in your birthday suit, you totally can! Implied nude shots can be fun as well.

2- It’s hard to look “sexy”

“Sexy” is subjective- and we’ll totally bring the sexy out of you with posing and facial expression coaching.

3- I have to be in tip top physical shape/lose weight before a shoot

Noooo way! We believe that you are perfect the way you are. This style of photography is all about celebrating the body you are in. You’re perfect the way you are.

4- I’m too old!

You’re never too old for boudoir. Intimate photography is for all ages (note: all ages past the age of 18!). It’s an empowering experience no matter what stage of life you’re in.

5- I don’t have anyone to give the photos to!

That’s never a problem! Many women (if not most of our clients) do the shoot for themselves.


Ready to learn more about our sexy shoot experiences? Contact us here!


Happy Holidays From Noëlle Glamour + Boudoir!


The Best Questions to Ask Your Boudoir Photographer