Q: Do I Have To Wear Lingerie at My Shoot?

Boudoir is…

Personal. Intimate. Vulnerable. Whatever you want or need it to be.

Welcome back, beautiful women of Colorado! We hope you’re having a wonderful day. Thank you for spending some of it with us on our blog!

Today we wanted to talk a little bit about ALL of the wonderful things your boudoir shoot can be. Many people instantly associate lingerie with boudoir shoots. This doesn’t always have to be the case!

Boudoir can be….

Real. Raw. Gentle. Classy. Soft.

We really stress the feeling of Empowerment during our sessions. Our overall goal is to give you a boost of confidence that you deserve. When you walk out of our studio, you’re glowing from head to toe.

A boudoir shoot is not a true boudoir shoot without the feeling of vulnerability that comes with it… and that is part of what makes every single shoot unique.

With that being said, if wearing minimal makeup and a button down with a cute pair of fuzzy socks is what makes you feel beautiful, that is boudoir.

If you want to come in and shoot topless in a pair of your favorite heels, that is boudoir too!

Boudoir is what makes YOU feel beautiful.

Boudoir is for…

Everyone. Everywhere. At any time.

Ready to take the plunge and experience your first luxury photo shoot? Don’t be shy! We can’t wait to chat with you!!


Black + White Boudoir


Invest in Yourself- You’re Worth It